Comfort Zone Camp is the nation's largest bereavement camp for kids, providing FREE year-round weekend camps for kids who have lost a parent, sibling or primary caregiver. CZC has served grieving families from 47 states, Canada, and the United Kingdom. The camps are held year-round in Virginia, California, New Jersey and Massachusetts. Comfort Zone Camps create an environment where grieving children can have fun and break the isolation grief often brings.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Run Disney 2012 with Comfort Zone Camp's Grief Relief Team!

Click to enlarge

Disney World is another incredible place, like Comfort Zone, where a kid can be a kid again.  Help send a child who has lost their mom, dad, brother or sister, to a life-transforming weekend at CZC.  And help raise awareness of CZC and childhood bereavement. 

Team Registration is OPEN !  
to register for the Team!

Register for the Race HERE

For more information
email Maggie at 
or call (866) 488-5679 ext. 230.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Disney 2012!

Comfort Zone Camp's Grief Relief Team will be participating in the Walt Disney World Marathon and Half Marathon on January 7-8, 2012!!! Team Registration for this event will open in June 2011 - stay tuned! 

Run or walk to honor the memory of someone you have lost, and pay it forward to grieving children by sending them to a life-transforming weekend at Comfort Zone Camp. All are welcome to be a part of this incredible team of Comfort Zone Camp volunteers, campers, parents, staff and supporters who are making a difference in the lives of grieving children.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Run the Monument Ave 10K for CZC!

Join Comfort Zone Camp's Grief Relief Team for the 2011 Ukrop's Monument Ave. 10K and Virginia 529 Kid's 1-mile Run on April 2, 2011 in Richmond, VA.  We hope that this team will also raise enough funds to sponsor an entire weekend camp for grieving children at Comfort Zone Camp!  Click here for more information.  Or you can email the CZC 10K Coordinating Committee at or call Michelle at the CZC VA Office at (804) 377-3430. 

$44,000 raised so far!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Running for the kids

When I first learned about CZC in early 2010, I immediately wanted to get involved. Being from Texas and not having any camps close by, I knew I would have to save up money to travel to one of the camps, either California or Virginia with those being the closest. I had set aside a date in August to attend one of the camps in California, but my best friend's bridal shower ended up being the same weekend, so my plans to attend were cancelled. 

I initially heard about CZC Runs Disney when an announcement showed up on my Facebook newsfeed. I had been thinking about running a half marathon for the past couple years but never got around to it, so I thought this would be a great opportunity. Completing a goal AND raising money to send grieving children to camp- perfect!  

Crossing that finish line was such an amazing feeling and one of the greatest accomplishments of my life. I am so happy I was able to meet some of the great people of CZC in Orlando and I can't wait to get more involved! 

~Stephanie Webb 

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Running for the Little Buddies

I ran Disney for my amazing little buddies who supported me through the trials and tribulations of training. When posed with the option of running and raising money, I thought this could be the funds bringing my inspiring little buddies back to camp or provide the opportunity for other kids to join the Comfort Zone community.

I want to continue to learn from them and help each camper recognize the strength and courage they already carry within. I feel privileged to be part of such a selfless group of people with contagious positivity and cannot wait to start the 2011 camp season - let the sizzle begin!!

- Julie Rosson

Friday, January 14, 2011

No Better Feeling Than Crossing That Finish Line

Initially, I signed up to run so that each step would represent a step towards a year in recovery from two knee surgeries and a step closer to helping a child start his or her road to creating a new path in life. 

As time went on and my knees didn't recover like they should have, my training was interrupted, I continued on the new path being created for me even if it wasn't the one I had envisioned.

I was determined to complete the 13.1 miles and help a child begin a new path regardless of how much it hurt, because the pain I was in would not be anything compared to the pain a child feels after the loss of a parent or sibling. 

There was no better feeling than crossing that finish line and I am honored to be able to be a part of this amazing organization!!!!

- Amanda Simons