Comfort Zone Camp is the nation's largest bereavement camp for kids, providing FREE year-round weekend camps for kids who have lost a parent, sibling or primary caregiver. CZC has served grieving families from 47 states, Canada, and the United Kingdom. The camps are held year-round in Virginia, California, New Jersey and Massachusetts. Comfort Zone Camps create an environment where grieving children can have fun and break the isolation grief often brings.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Team and Fundraising Updates!

Our Team is doing an amazing job with fundraising.  We are so close to the $10,000 fundraising milestone! 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

DC Happy Hour Fundraiser

The 4 DC-area members of the CZC Runs Disney Planning Committee recently had a Happy Hour Fundraiser at Mister Days in Clarendon, VA.  We had a table with information about CZC and CZC Runs Disney, and accepted donations.  We raised nearly $200 to go toward our $50,000 fundraising goal :)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Fundraising update

The CZC Runs Disney Team is incredible...
Our family and friends are incredible...

The true miracle

The Road is not always smooth or flat. There are times when it may seem as though you are running away from who you are much more than running toward who you want to be.  There may be times when your body betrays you and your spirit abandons you.  The path to enlightenment is not clearly marked.

But millions of runners have gone before you.  Each of them has faced the same fear and uncertainty.  Each of them has learned, as you will, the truth in the Penguin Credo.

For all of us, the miracle isn’t that we finish, the miracle is that we have the courage to start.

-John “The Penguin” Bingham, 
The Courage to Start

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


With overwhelming gratitude to our family and friends who have donated to help send grieving children to camp. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Another fundraising milestone!

Thanks to amazing support from family and friends, the CZC Runs Disney team has raised over $6,ooo to send grieving children to Comfort Zone Camp! :)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fundraising update

THANK YOU to everyone who has donated to help send grieving children to CZC 

Thursday, September 9, 2010

30 Participants!

We have 30 confirmed participants!!  
6 for the Full Marathon
19 for the Half Marathon 
5 Cheerleaders
And our amazing team has pledged to raise $33,750 and has actually raised just under $5,000!! 

Our top 3 fundraisers are Julie ($1,945 raised so far), Erin ($1,525 raised so far) and Gayle ($1,315).  Great job everyone!

A big THANK YOU to everyone on the team and to those who are supporting the Team.  We are doing something extraordinary here.